Understandably, you might have some questions about throwing yourself out of an airplane! We’ve answered many of them below. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please send us a message. We’d love to hear from you.
We are open 7 days/week during the warm summer months and closed for business between mid-November and late March.
Our office hours are 9am-5pm, though we are often available much later on the weekends. Give us a call at (262) 886-3480 to enquire about our upcoming schedule.
Skydiving is an experience unlike any other – including a roller coaster ride! There is simply no comparison between the two. The “stomach-drop” sensation that comes with roller coasters does not occur because our aircraft are already traveling at a high velocity when you exit, meaning there is no acceleration. You are gradually shifting from forward velocity to vertical velocity. This gradual change eliminates the stomach-drop sensation!
FAQ Videos
Meet the friendly staff at Skydive Midwest as they answer the most common questions they hear from our customers.